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AdTagMacros BlogSpot Moved to Self Hosted Domain AdTagMacros.com

Hello All, I have been writing the articles since I have joined in Ad Operations. First It started as a small project to keep track of things that I needed the most while doing the work.

So Back in Sept 2014, I have written the article or I would say listed the Third Party Ad Tags macros which I was using on a regular basis.  You Can check those Article Here

And that's the Reason I have named my blog as AdTagMacros.com, I was actually inspired by famous Author in Ad Operation Avinash Tiwari who handle the Blog Knowonlineadvertising.com

But Like Knowonlineadvertising.com have it's USP that it's cover the topic from Basic of Online Advertising to Advanced Topics, Also It covers some aspects of Online Marketing.

Since I am coming from Technical background that's the reason I am more inclined to the Tech site of Ad Operations also focus on New latest Trend Specifically to Ad Operations.

Most of the topics that I have covered involve Display, Video, Native Advertisements on Website, Apps, CTV and it doesn't cover Ads running over Social Media.

Due to some Technical Difficulties, I am not able to redirect Blog articles to New Articles.

I Would Request Readers To follow My self Hosted sites now instead of Blogspot since I might not be able to update this blog Regularly.

If you have any Issues Please join our AdOps Group On Facebook

You Can Email Me if you need any Kind Of Help

I have listed All the Article that I published Until this Month:

AdTagMacros BlogSpot Moved to Self Hosted Domain AdTagMacros.com AdTagMacros BlogSpot Moved to Self Hosted Domain AdTagMacros.com Reviewed by Admin on May 09, 2019 Rating: 5

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