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clicktag checker

We often face issue related to clicktag and click tracking in creative specially when creative is flash,In most of the cases we use tool Flash decomipiler to investigate the issue in clicktag. 
There are following issues that might present. 
Creative is clickable but clicks are not tracking 
In such cases it might be possible that client have embeded Hard coded click thorugh URL in code because of that clicks are not tracking in 3rd party 

Ask the client to remove hard coded click thorough URL from code and Use the ClickTag,ClickTag parameter. 
If clicks are not tracking and no hard coded URL present 
It might possible that ClickTag,ClickTag parameter are not defined in Action script code(Language use to code Flash) 
Methods for implementing the clickTAG variables in Flash banners depend on the ActionScript version used in the banners.
ActionScript 2 and ActionScript 3 coded banners. If there is more than one target URL, please see the naming convention below: 
var clickTAG; // variable no. 1 
var clickTAG2; // variable no. 2 
var clickTAG3; // variable no. 3 
var clickTAG4; // variable no. 4 
var clickTAG5; // variable no. 5 
Implementation of clickTAG variable 
Implementation of the clickTAG variable depends on the version of the ActionScript you are using. Also, due to constantly increasing online security measures in internet browsers, pop-up blocking is becoming a 
common problem in the online advertising.

Action Script 2.0 
button.onRelease = function () 
get URL (_root.clickTag, "_blank"); 

Action Script 3.0 
Type 1 
import flash.events.MouseEvent; 
import flash.net.URLRequest; 
myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(event: MouseEvent) : void { 
flash.net.navigateToURL(new URLRequest(root.loaderInfo.parameters.clickTAG), "_blank"); 
} );

Type 2 
function():void { 
if (root.loaderInfo.parameters.clickTAG.substr(0,5) == "http:") { 
new URLRequest(root.loaderInfo.parameters.clickTAG), "_blank" 
} );

Type 3 
ClickButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMouseClickClicktag); 
function onMouseClickClicktag(evt:MouseEvent):void 
var _clicktag:String;
_clicktag = root.loaderInfo.parameters.clicktag;
if (ExternalInterface.available) 
// Browser Check 
var isIE:Boolean = ExternalInterface.call("function() { return document.all && !window.opera;}"); 
// Browser == IE? 
if (isIE) 
ExternalInterface.call("window.open", _clicktag, "_blank"); 
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(_clicktag), "_blank"); 
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(_clicktag), "_blank"); 

Type 4 (Doubleclick)

Link_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, function(event: MouseEvent): void { 
var sURL: String; 
if ((sURL = root.loaderInfo.parameters.clickTAG)) { 
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(sURL), "_blank"); 

if (clicktag.substr(0, 5) == "http:") {getURL(clicktag, "_blank")
on (release) 
{ if (clickTAG.substr(0, 5) == "http:" || clickTAG.substr(0, 6) == "https:") 
{ getURL(clickTAG, "_blank"); }}

clicktag checker clicktag checker Reviewed by Admin on October 14, 2014 Rating: 5

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